de 9e art

Exhibition at the comics festival in Aix-en-Provence, 2017

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Die besorgten Bürger
/// The concerned citizens

The group of figures “ The Concerned Citizens“ is an installation I created for the French festival „Rencontres de 9e Art“. Under the impression of the constant demand of some parties and media to finally listen to the so called „concerned citizens“, especially in view of the arrival of Syrian war refugees in 2015, the idea arose to give this type of people a face.

The concerned citizen is a rather unstable type, relatively top-heavy with an almost ridiculously thin, matchstick-like body that threatens to burst into flames at the slightest heating. He sees danger at every turn, but mainly his gaze is directed upward, as if the fist of the Almighty could thunder down on him at any moment. In this moment of motionlessness, he is incapable of grasping a clear thought, and even an encouraging „We can do it“ brings him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

Exhibition view
Making of,
wood shop of the University of Arts Berlin
Painting the modular elements of the sculpture